Why See an Endodontic Specialist
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Why See an Endodontic Specialist

Endodontists are Dentists who have received an additional 2-3 years of advanced training in root canal therapy procedures (residency) after graduating from Dental School. The training is typically 10 years after high school! They perform routine as well as complex root canal procedures, including endodontic surgeries. Endodontists are experienced with diagnosing oral and facial pain and understanding the science of healing and regeneration. Endodontists typically treat challenging teeth that may otherwise be extracted. This undertaking requires great patience, experience, and skill. The Endodontist is an extension of your trusted care from your Dentist. All Dentists, including your General Dentist, received some training in root canal therapy in Dental School. General Dentists often refer patients needing root canal therapy to Endodontists due to complexities, expertise and managing mishaps.

Why see Dr. Phan and Dr. Kim?

They are both well-trained and passionate for the field. You will see their enthusiasm in saving your tooth! Dr. Phan has over 20 years of Modern Endodontic Experience. Dr. Kim has 2 Doctorate of Dental Surgery degrees and many years of experience working as a general dentist before returning for additional training in endodontics. The doctors’ approach is conservative and practical to achieve optimal results. They are transparent with your options so that you have a choice in your care. A successful outcome comes from focusing on the patient and the disease together. They take great pride in the opportunity to salvage a tooth for a patient and accept the challenge to educate the patient and put their best foot forward! They are compassionate and understanding.They believe in giving the best version of their professional selves everyday in the office. Dr. Phan has been Board Certified since 2011 as her way to improve her clinical decisions. Dr. Kim has taken the written and oral part of Board Certification. Dr. Phan’s practice is not a large corporate entity with multiple doctors and locations. Dr. Phan and Dr. Kim work closely together. Dr. Phan sees her practice as an extension of her home and welcomes you. She focuses on one location that she started from scratch in 2006. Dr. Phan has resided in the Tri-Valley since 2003.