Post Treatment Instructions
We know it was a long appointment! We do our very best to save your tooth. Please refer to your check out folder and here are some key reminders. Please do not hesitate to call us. Sometimes, a simple phone call will clear up any confusion! We are here to help.
Pain after treatment: What is normal and what is expected?
Expect to experience soreness or tenderness in your tooth and surrounding gum tissues for 3-7 days after your treatment. This discomfort is perfectly normal. There is a wound at the end of your tooth and in the surrounding bone that must heal after finished treatment.
Continue brushing as normal. Try to avoid chewing food on the affected side of your mouth until you have visited with your restorative dentist if there is a temporary filling. Avoid flossing if the tooth has a temporary filling.
Every patient is different, so that means that your level of discomfort will be different from other patients, and this is perfectly normal. It is possible you could experience discomfort for longer. Usually, if the tooth had pain before treatment, the more tender it will be immediately after treatment. It is part of the recovery process. As long as your discomfort lessens a little every day, you are headed in the right direction.
You can take ibuprofen (Advil, Motriin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) as directed.
How do I take my Pain Medications?
When you were at our office, we did provide written instructions and expectations in your check out folder.
We recommend that you continue to take 600mg ibuprofen (Advil,Motrin) every 6 hours for the next 3 days. If you cannot take NSAIDs, we recommend that you continue to take 500-1000mg acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 6 hours for the next 3 days. Staying on the clock will help you stay ahead of the pain and keep your discomfort to a minimum. If you skip or forget a dose, you pain may return, and it will be harder to get rid of the discomfort. Try keeping your pain medication on your nightstand so you don’t forget your bedtime dose. Try to keep your head elevated on a few pillows at bedtime.
Our Pain Protocol Based on Your Level of Pain. Take every 6 hours.
Mild Pain: 600 mg ibuprofen
Mild Pain if you cannot take NSAIDs: 500-1000mg acetaminophen
Moderate Pain: 600mg ibuprofen + 500-1000mg acetaminophen
Moderate Pain if you cannot take NSAIDs: hydrocodone(Norco or Vicodin 5.0mg/325mg acetaminophen) + 500mg acetaminophen
Severe Pain: 600mg ibuprofen + hydrocodone(Norco or Vicodin)
Severe Pain if you cannot take NSAIDs: 2 hydrocodone(Norco or Vicodin)
-Ibuprofen is Advil or Motrin. Do not take more than 3200mg in 24 hours. If NSAIDs can’t be used, the tooth will be more tender and healing will take longer.
-Acetaminophen is Tylenol. It comes in 2 doses : Regular(325mg) or Extra Strength (500mg). Don’t take more than 4000mg in 24 hours. Excessive use of acetaminophen may cause liver damage.
-Hydrocodone is a narcotic. Do not consume alcohol.
Take medications with food.
We sometimes prescribe additional medications such as antibiotics or a steroid if the pain is too severe. Have questions? Call our office!
Flare-Up: Increasing pain after treatment:
In that case, you are one of the unlucky 2-3% of patients who experience one last infectious rise in pain before the wound heals. An endodontic Flare-Up presents with pain that is similar to an extraction Dry-Socket. It will resolve over time. We suggest ice compresses for 15 minutes every hour and warm saline rinses every hour. Rest with your head elevated. Manage with pain protocol medications. Call our office if there are concerns!
How do I take care of my tooth if there is a temporary filling?
After treatment, we will seal your tooth’s outer surface with a temporary filling. You will need to visit your restorative dentist to get a permanent restoration.
It is important that the temporary filling stay intact. The filling we put in is soft and will take 30 minutes to harden. Avoid flossing the tooth with the temporary filling so not to dislodge it.
You may notice the filling sinking while you chew. This is normal. However, if you feel that you have lost a significant amount of filling or it has completely fallen out, please call our office during normal business hours and we will schedule you for a visit to replenish the temporary filling.
If this happens over the weekend, don’t worry. It is not an emergency. Just call on the next business day.
What do I need to do next for the restoration and follow up?
After your appointment, we will send a report to your general dentist a full report about how everything went. Schedule an appointment with your general dentist within 4 weeks of your root canal or as soon as possible for a final restoration if indicated on your check out paperwork. The restoration is critical to prevent fracture, decay, and infection.
Post Surgical Instructions
We did provide written instructions and guidelines at your surgical visit. Here are some key points.
Patients who have had surgery done under anything other than a local anesthetic such as Minimal Sedation with Anti-Anxiety Medications should not be left home alone following the procedure.
Your restrictions the day of the surgery are:
Do not smoke, use straws, or drink alcoholic beverages. Smoking can increase the chances of infection.
Do not drive or operate any machinery if you have been minimally sedated.
Do not eat hot foods as long as you have active bleeding.
Keep to cool, soft things until bleeding has stopped.
Do not spit. Use a tissue to wipe your mouth as needed.
Keep fingers and tongue away from the surgical area.
Some minor bleeding is expected. It will usually subside quickly and stop within 1-2 hours. A little oozing is normal and may persist for several days.
After the first day:
Most patients will experience swelling. It may be mild or severe and is different for every patient. The swelling will get bigger for the first 24-48 hours before it starts to go away. Use an ice pack for 15 minutes every hour until you go to sleep. Sleep with your head elevated slightly (above the heart). This will keep swelling down.
If you are fair skinned, you may notice bruising and will take some time to fade.
You may eat soft foods and try not to chew directly on the surgical site. Please stay well nourished and hydrated.
Do not spit. Use a tissue.
Do not smoke.
Do not use a drinking straw.
You may brush your teeth. Avoid the surgical area. Be gentle and do not spit or rinse forcefully.
You may rinse gently with the medicated mouthrinse and saline.
You were probably given one or more prescriptions of medications. Follow the directions.
Antibiotics: Continue until the bottle is empty.
Pain medications: Narcotics make you drowsy. No alcohol.
Come back 1-2 weeks for a post surgical check and removal of any sutures.
Please call us if you have any concerns or questions!